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Information Overload and Lack of a Core Focus.  Look there is a ton of information available to you nowadays. You wanna cut thru the crap straight to what you need to know to grow your Business, Team, Company etc.  “Just tell me what I need to know” you may have said.  Most of us need a place where we can get the core information, master our skills, so we can serve our market.

SOLUTION is your go to provider.  By focusing on just a few Core Areas (MINDSET, CREATION, MARKETING, REACH, ANALYTICS, & BONDING)  we can help you with the necessary information and training you need to dominate your market.  Our Goal, Our Business is to help You Serve Your Market.

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Is our content center. Visit here when you want the latest updates on People, Companies, Products, Strategies, Tools, etc


That produce.  Our courses, trainings, and additional services give you the key insight you need to bring your Ideas, Products, & Organizations to market.



Is the squad for you. Have valuable information to share? Join us as a contributor and let the market hear your voice.



That impact. Become a better you by immersing yourself in an environment of Leaders, Thinkers, Creators & Producers




  • September 21, 2019
    Core6, Mindset
    In this video Darin Guess, founder of discusses the platform's launch and gives a quick Mindset...
  • July 6, 2019
    Core6, Mindset
    In this video we define Core6, its meaning and how each of the 6 fundamental areas impact you.
  • July 8, 2019
    Core6, Mindset
    In this video we define Mindset, its meaning and why it's important you assess your own.
  • July 10, 2019
    Core6, Mindset
    In this video we discuss the importance of attracting what you want for your life.
  • July 19, 2019
    Core6, Mindset
    In this video we provide attractive person examples which could be considered attributes of an attractive person.
  • August 13, 2019
    Core6, Mindset
    In this video we discuss why knowing and not knowing will help improve your confidence
  • August 15, 2019
    Core6, Mindset
    In this video we discuss why taking 100% responsibility is a mindset shift you must make to become...
  • August 19, 2019
    Core6, Mindset
    In this video we discuss the importance of being consistent, and how this one discipline can help you...
  • August 20, 2019
    Core6, Mindset
    In this video we discuss the power of overcoming, and how developing an overcoming mindset will lead you...
  • August 22, 2019
    Core6, Mindset
    In this video we discuss being coachable, and why it is necessary for you to get to the...
  • May 4, 2020
    Core6, Creation
    In this video we discuss brainstorming and how this skill is key to your ability to create
  • May 5, 2020
    Core6, Creation
    In this video we discuss the "work" required, and why you have to put in the time working...
  • May 7, 2020
    Core6, Creation
    In this video we discuss the importance of a plan, and why this short or long term vision...
  • May 12, 2020
    Core6, Creation
    In this video we discuss quick ways to develop a creative mindset, and how this level of creativity...
  • May 17, 2020
    Core6, Creation
    In this video we discuss a few quick tips to creating a prototype of your new creation
  • May 26, 2020
    Core6, Creation
    In this video we review 6 Product Creation Steps for producing your new creation
  • May 28, 2020
    Core6, Creation
    In this video we discuss the importance and value of a useful creation
  • June 1, 2020
    Core6, Creation
    In this video we discuss thinking of and listing resources to help with your creation
  • June 2, 2020
    Core6, Creation
    In this video we discuss the importance of documenting your creation and its journey
  • June 4, 2020
    Core6, Creation
    In this video we encourage you to have fun during your creation journey
  • June 6, 2020
    Core6, Marketing
    In this video we define Marketing, and how your understanding of it gives you control
  • June 7, 2020
    Core6, Marketing
    In this video we walk through an example of marketing to help with your understanding of the bigger...
  • June 8, 2020
    Core6, Marketing
    In this video we discuss how establishing goals is important to the long term direction of your marketing...
  • June 9, 2020
    Core6, Marketing
    In this video we introduce funnels, and discuss the importance they have on your marketing
  • June 10, 2020
    Core6, Marketing
    In this video we discuss the value of asking questions, and how it can help you discover your...
  • June 11, 2020
    Core6, Marketing
    In this video we discuss the importance of selling, and why it should be your primary focus
  • June 12, 2020
    Core6, Marketing
    In this video we touch on Marketing Tools, and encourage you to think about which items may be...
  • June 13, 2020
    Core6, Marketing
    In this video we discuss Simplicity, and encourage you to keep it simple with your marketing
  • June 14, 2020
    Core6, Marketing
    In this video we discuss Self-Awareness, and the importance of knowing your business for better or worse
  • June 15, 2020
    Core6, Marketing
    In this video we introduce Customer Profile, and the importance of breaking down customer attributes
  • June 16, 2020
    Core6, Reach
    In this video we define Reach, and how think about your traffic and distribution methods
  • June 18, 2020
    Core6, Reach
    In this video we discuss how to Expand Your Reach and why doing so can massively increase your...
  • June 18, 2020
    Core6, Reach
    In this video we discuss group habits, and how breaking down customer habits will expand your reach
  • June 21, 2020
    Core6, Reach
    In this video we discuss expansion cost, and how vital those cost are to expanding your reach
  • June 21, 2020
    Core6, Reach
    In this video we discuss the ad process, and how these 3 steps help you expand your reach...
  • June 23, 2020
    Core6, Reach
    In this video we discuss distribution examples, and why it's important to think about each platforms use
  • June 24, 2020
    Core6, Reach
    In this video we discuss bad ads, and the 3 key risk factors to think about when using...
  • June 25, 2020
    Core6, Reach
    In this video we discuss ad consistency, and how continuous ad expansion keeps you visible


“Serve your people, be the change” — @ServeMarkets

“Your Victory, will be Our Victory” — @ServeMarkets